Improvement in schools starts with teachers and administrators coming together to ensure that all students achieve higher levels of learning. With the Priority Schools in a PLC at Work® process, our experts have proven success with the unique challenges of underperforming schools and can help quickly and dramatically improve your results—no matter your school’s size, demographics, poverty levels, or current achievement levels.
Global PD Teams is the first-ever online professional development resource designed to support your entire faculty on your learning journey. By pairing this resource with Priority Schools in a PLC at Work, you will have the strategies and tools you need to transform your team into a catalyst for sustainable school success.
"Real school improvement does not happen one teacher at a time. Real school improvement requires a collective, cohesive effort. Everyone is responsible for every student's learning."—Sharon V. Kramer
Through their commitment to the Priority Schools in a PLC at Work process, Huntsville Elementary has gone from a campus of turmoil and survival to one where student achievement is the primary focus. Serving kindergarten through fourth-grade students in the city of Huntsville, Texas, the educators at Huntsville Elementary shifted their collaborative culture to one with a deep focus on student learning. The school principal implemented job-embedded learning for teachers to gain clarity on best practices in education.
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