New Mindset, New Results: How a Professional Learning Community Recovers Learning

Presented by Sharon V. Kramer, Jasmine K. Kullar, Greg Kushnir, and Mike Suderman


We know the pandemic has significantly affected learning results for students. However, there are ways of working differently in schools that will overcome these deficits and prove that our work in schools can be more powerful than a pandemic! A new mindset is needed to achieve new results.

Educational research has shown that working as a high performing Professional Learning Community, which includes clearly defining what students should be learning, and implementing targeted actions when students don’t learn (Response to Intervention-RTI), will accelerate learning within the normal timeline of a school year.

In this recorded webinar, we will talk about the three big ideas of a Professional Learning Community and the four critical questions that will guide the recovery of learning within a school.

We invite you to join us in investigating research-proven methods of teaching and learning that will create a new mindset in order to achieve new learning results.

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