Leveling Up Learning to Ensure Opportunity for All (edWeb Webinar)

Presented by Dr. Sharon V. Kramer


Despite the many articles, blogs, books, podcasts, and webinars that focus on “closing the achievement gap,” the progress made in ensuring equity in educational outcomes has been slow and, in some instances, non-existent. This is not because teachers, schools, and districts are not working to increase achievement for students. This is not due to a lack of effort or caring.

Doing our part to support success for all students will take specific actions and require acceleration or leveling up of learning across the board. During this webinar, Dr. Sharon Kramer shares specific, doable actions that will create unprecedented opportunities for success for every student in your classroom.

This webinar will help support staff, teachers, and building and system leaders

  • Develop a course of action to improve learning outcomes for all students
  • Gain specific, doable strategies for ensuring equity in learning
  • Engage students, teachers, and teacher teams in a learning-focused culture
  • Align processes to effectively reach every student
  • Create consistency with routines that lead to visible results



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