One middle school principal’s mistake is a teachable moment

The silent struggle of compassion fatigue

There’s power in the pause before you respond

When a school principal’s well-intended email about school improvement and student learning outcomes is read by overworked and exhausted parents, communication becomes lost in translation, twisting good intentions into parental frustration, principal guilt, and growing teacher anxieties.

In the article “Compassionate Communication Versus Compassion Fatigue.” middle school principal Jeff Sefcik and instructional coach Erica Barraza share insights on two perspectives: communicating with compassion for parents and struggling students and communicating with professional learning communities experiencing the effects of vicarious trauma and compassion fatigue.

“Being mindful of our language and the methods in which we communicate when we are not face to face is more important now than ever.”

— Erica Barraza, instructional coach, Lotus Elementary School, Illinois

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