Response to Intervention (RTI)—also known as multitiered system of support (MTSS)—makes it possible to provide every child with the additional time and support they need to thrive in school.
We call our approach RTI at Work™ because our recommendations are the combination of two complementary, research-based practices proven to best ensure student learning: professional learning communities (PLC) and RTI.
The RTI at Work inverted pyramid is designed to continually focus a school's collective attention and resources to a single point: the individual child.
A coherent and viable core curriculum that embeds ongoing monitoring for all students.
Immediate and targeted interventions systematically applied and monitored for any students not achieving.
Intensive interventions focused on closing gaps.
“Research and evidence in our field is conclusive—response to intervention (RTI) is the best way to intervene.”
—Austin Buffum & Mike Mattos
Take the first step by claiming your copy of Response to Intervention Centered on Student Learning, a free white paper by Austin Buffum and Mike Mattos.
Take a step toward improved mathematics achievement in K–12 education by claiming your FREE Response to Intervention Centered on Student Learning white paper.