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Implement Effective MTSS with RTI at Work Coaching Academy

The highly effective way to implement MTSS

Is your school ready to create a truly inclusive learning environment where every student is given the tools to succeed? Our research-affirmed RTI at Work Coaching Academy equips your team with the tools and strategies to implement a highly effective MTSS grounded in the collaborative power of Professional Learning Communities (PLC) at Work®.

Prepare a cadre of leaders with RTI at Work Coaching Academy

To help schools and districts integrate RTI practices into their culture, we’ve created the RTI at Work Coaching Academy. This comprehensive series of consulting and onsite professional development engagements is designed to prepare a cadre of leaders to champion the work of RTI in their schools.

Our yearlong coaching academy provides the most in-depth professional learning solution for practitioners who want comprehensive training on RTI concepts in the PLC at Work® process, with a focus on practical applications and sustainability. This integrated instructional design maximizes learning the whole year through and includes:

  • A research-based curriculum designed to adapt to the needs of any school or district
  • Six days of on-site training (three sessions, two days each) led by expert facilitators
  • RTI at Work resources that will assist in initiating and sustaining an open exchange of ideas and advance educator knowledge
  • Yearlong support by phone, email, or both to help with individual questions

The best approach to ensure learning for all

A highly effective MTSS requires educators to work collaboratively and take collective responsibility for every student’s success.

RTI at Work builds upon the power of the PLC at Work process to:

  • Create an inclusive, learning-focused culture
  • Sustain collaborative teams to support students’ academic and behavioral growth
  • Ensure all students receive the time and support they need to learn at high levels

The Three Tiers of the RTI at Work Inverted Pyramid

The RTI at Work inverted pyramid is designed to continually focus a school’s collective attention and resources to a single point: the individual child.

  • TIER 1
    A coherent and viable core curriculum that embeds ongoing monitoring for all students
  • TIER 2
    Immediate and targeted interventions systematically applied and monitored for any students not achieving
  • TIER 3
    Intensive interventions focused on closing gaps

Access valuable resources and expert guidance to support your work

Each participant receives:

  • Coaching Academy Binder
  • Taking Action: A Handbook for RTI at Work
  • Uniting Academic and Behavior Interventions
Participant resources: binder, Taking Action, and Uniting Academic and Behavior Interventions

Each team represented receives:

  • The RTI Toolkit*
RTI Toolkit

Throughout the duration of the academy, your team will:

  • Deepen its understanding of essential RTI at Work concepts
  • Acquire processes utilized by schools that have successfully built a culture of shared knowledge and responsibility
  • Design and execute a plan of action for implementing a multitiered system of supports
  • Gain strategies and tools for leading and sustaining the work
  • Understand how the PLC at Work framework provides the foundation for a successful multitiered system of supports
Luis F. Cruz

“If you want your students to learn at higher levels, invest in the learning of your staff.”

—Luis F. Cruz, author and RTI at Work expert

Contact us today to learn more about how an RTI at Work Coaching Academy can transform your school.

*One RTI Toolkit for the designated school or team. Ask your professional development representative for details. Some limitations apply.

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