Based on Priority Schools in a PLC at Work®, the Accelerate Learning: School Improvement for All Coaching Academy meets your passion for continuous improvement with research-backed, practical solutions that have been field-tested in schools labeled as low-performing.
“We are not suggesting that teachers need to work harder or longer; teachers already work hard enough. But it is important to engage in the right work—the work that yields better results.”
—Sharon V. Kramer
Improvement in schools starts with teachers and administrators collectively focused on bringing all students to higher levels of learning. Our experts have proven success with the unique challenges of underperforming schools and can help quickly and dramatically improve your results—no matter your school’s size, demographics, poverty levels, or current achievement levels.
In this yearlong coaching academy, Solution Tree experts will join a select team of educators at your school or district and focus on the challenges most impacting their students. This single team* will then go through a series of sessions that build on one another, helping them master the essential skills they need and take the lessons they learn to the rest of their colleagues.
*Since the engagements build on one another, our coaching academies are designed for one team to attend all the sessions together.
Throughout this year, participants will receive six days of on-site training, divided into three sessions of two days each. Each session has targeted goals for your team to work on, such as defining acceleration, identifying school mindsets, discussing the difference between remediation and acceleration, and exploring instructional strategies.
Solution Tree is a proven leader in K–12 professional development, and it’s time for us to talk about how we can start your transformative journey using the Accelerate Learning: School Improvement for All Coaching Academy. Fill out the form today.